PRP Therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also known as Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP), is a highly effective and innovative approach in natural tissue regeneration using the body's own healing capabilities. The aim of PRP therapy is to:

  • Alleviate pain caused by sports tendon injuries and OA
  • Reduce inflammation and improve joint function
  • Avoid the need for surgery

How does PRP work?

Blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets. When the platelets are concentrated and then activated at a site of injury in the body, they release healing proteins called growth factors that stimulate natural healing. These growth factors also attract other cells that are essential in the healing process, which contribute to the regrowth of bone, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.

PRP Therapy -
Minimally Invasive, Safe and Effective

The procedure is carried out in the doctor’s rooms at the clinic and normally takes around 45 minutes. A small amount of blood is taken from the patient's arm and is then prepared by spinning the blood through a specialised centrifuge to separate out the component layers.

As a result, the plasma becomes rich in platelets, which contains the healing growth factors. This is then carefully separated from the other blood components by one of our highly trained doctors and injected into the problem area under ultrasound guidance to ensure accuracy and effectiveness.

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Blood sample taken


Separation and concentration of healing growth factors


Extraction of PRP


Ready for Injection

Safety and Efficacy

The safety and efficacy of PRP has been well established and proven in numerous research studies in treating conditions such as mild to moderate joint arthritis as well as tendon and ligament injuries. In addition to its use in orthopaedics, PRP has been used extensively in skin rejuvenation, hair restoration and women’s health.


PRP Therapy FAQs

  1. Individuals suffering from chronic joint pain secondary to osteoarthritis
  2. Patients who have had a poor response to conservative management
  3. Patients who are unfit for joint replacement surgery
  4. Patients who wish to delay or avoid surgery
  5. Patients suffering from a Tendinopathy e.g. tennis/golfer’s elbow, runner’s knee, Achilles tendinitis
  6. Patients with muscle tears and muscle injury e.g. hamstrings or quadriceps
  7. Patients with tendon tears and tendon ruptures
  8. Patients requiring Prolotherapy treatment for SI joint back pain